Cleaner/ sprayer

Cleaner/ sprayer


Ozone sprayer is completely chemical free to help protect you and your loved ones. With a sleek, sustainable bottle you can reuse and refill for life, it helps protect the environment, too. 

We didn't invent aqueous ozone, we just made it super easy to use. Ozone Cleaner is based on century-old science that's been used commercially to keep people safe for decades. Now, it's your turn to easily spray messes, odors, and germs away at home.

Electric Ozone Spray Wide range of use and high bactericidal rate Safe and environmentally friendly Electrolytic ozone water

The essence of ozone lies in its powerful oxidizing properties, which make it adept at eliminating bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. When harnessed through electric ozone spray technology, this natural element becomes a formidable force against the invisible threats that linger in our environments. With a mechanism that generates ozone from air molecules using electrical energy, the process is not only self-replenishing but also incredibly efficient, as it requires no additional materials beyond the electricity needed to power the device.

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